Dylan has recently (the last few weeks) exploded with a vocabulary. It's amazing and I am constantly shocked at the words she spews out and her eagerness to try almost any word if you encourage her. I thought I'd include a short list of my favorite recent words she says (or at least has said once)...Dylan pronunciations are in parentheses
sleepy (seepee)
clock (cock)
ladybug/bug (bugga bugga)
blender (bendee)
santa (satah) - dylan on santa's lap is our desktop wallpaper on our computer
happy (hahpeee)
no-no-no-no-no - I guess we say this enough now that she points at something she's not supposed to touch and says this just like we do, with the same emphasis and everything...we need to come up with alternative ways to say no.
We also realized that she is listening to EVERYTHING we are saying. In the car, I yelled at the car in front of us, "Why are you going so SLOW?!?!" And Dylan immediately yells "SLOW!" It was hysterical and we were cracking up, which now causes her to crack up. She wants to be in on the jokes, so she always laughs when you laugh at something. Let's all take inventory of the words that come spewing out of our mouths now!
Day 365.
15 years ago
I love it! I can hear Dylan saying all of those words! I think my favorites and still "Lara" (obviously!) and "zipper." I still imitate her saying zippy all the time!
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