"Backyard" by Dylan S. RhodesWe were testing out the idea of studying backyards in our hope to incorporate the Project Approach at home. I'm reading this awesome book,
Teach Your Child to Love Learning which I HIGHLY recommend for any parent who wants to get a little more intentional (yet still be organic) about learning at home. It's a super easy to follow, functional book. I'm still trying to figure out what our first project should be...and I'm pretty convinced we're going with "trees," but like I said, we were testing to see if backyards was a good idea. Above is Dylan's initial drawing of what a backyard looks like to her. She was very detailed with it, and as the book suggests, we used a felt-tip black pen and we labeled all the pieces of the drawing after she was finished. I am enamored with the drawing and my favorite part is the picnic blanket with the little grape tomatoes in the bowl. Click on the picture and you can see an enlarged version if it's too small to make out what everything is.
That is sooo great! My mom did a pretty good job labeling my drawings from when I was little. She kept them and sent them to my on my 30th birthday. It was so much fun to look through them.
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