Noah has been mimicking Dylan's every move for several months now, but it's really getting out of control sometimes. Mostly it's language. If he is paying attention and she is telling us something important, or answering a question, he repeats it. It's almost like there is a tape recorder that we record what she says and then distort it and speed it up just a little when we play it back. No sentence is too long for him to repeat. Yes, the longer it is, the more it gets slurred together and comes out as mush, but he always says it with similar emphasis and enthusiasm.
For example:
Dylan (excitedly): I want another cookie please. Lots of sprinkles!
Noah (yelled with enthusiasm): Noddercookiepeeaselossprinkles!
Day 365.
15 years ago
This cracks me up! I can just picture it in my head.
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