Saturday, December 06, 2008

Creative Movement

Dylan has been taking Creative Movement (it's like pre-pre-ballet) from the Hyde Park School of Dance this fall. She has learned a lot and seems to have an incredibly enjoyable time. She loves her teacher Miss Allison and especially enjoys "Talk Time" when they get to tell something, show something they brought, or do a dance for the rest of the class. Dylan always chooses to show a dance. Usually it's a butterfly dance (think running around in circles flapping arms), but last week she did break out a bunny dance (so she told me). Parents are not allowed in, except for on visiting day, which was a couple of weeks ago. These pics are from that day.

Here is a taste of ballet class:

Dancers sitting in a circle, pointing and flexing toes (Dylan is on the far right if you didn't notice the blond curls...)

Doing their "fast ballet walks" with hands on hips around the room. Dylan is loving this one!

Pointing toes, getting ready for her turn to gallop across the room!

I wasn't sure whether we should continue doing it this winter or not - I mean it does cost money, and it's cold and snowy and hard to get out of the house sometimes. But these pictures say it all - she really does love it and I think it's probably pretty good for her to listen to the teacher and follow directions in a way that uses her body. I asked her if she wants to keep doing it, and the answer was yes, so we'll go with that for now.


Anonymous said...

so cute! love the photos. she looks so into it!

mhilly on 7:53 PM said...

ADORABLE!!! Oh man I hope Ruby wants to take ballet!

Sara on 9:44 PM said...

I loved the pictures! I don't know if you ever have to watch High-5, but Morgan loves it and sings and dances with them. SO I have been thinking she might really get into a class like this. Did she say she wanted to take dance or did you bring it up? Maybe we can talk dance over New Years Eve. Are you guys going to the Laws?

Elizabeth L. on 2:48 PM said...

I'll have to check that out for Nourit - we've been wanting to get her into a 'dance' class. How old is Dylan? She's a bit older, right?